NR Maps frequently asked questions

Natural Resource (NR) Maps is a web mapping tool to discover, research and map natural and cultural research data for the Northern Territory (NT).

You should also read the NR Maps user guides and find out about geospatial resources from the department.

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What is the Active Layer?

The Active Layer is used to select features on the map screen. When NR Maps opens, cadastre is the default active layer (located under folder Land Administration). Only one layer can be active.

Change the Active Layer to select features on the map screen from a different data layer. Right mouse click on a layer and select 'Set Active'.

If a layer has search functions, they will be enabled when the layer is active.

How can I find a layer name?

A Filter layer tool is located at the top of the Layers panel.

Enter a name in the Filter text box e.g. water.

All layers containing the name water will be filtered in a new list. Close the filter to return to the default listing

Why are some layer names greyed out?

Some layers will not display at the Northern Territory extent. You will need to zoom in on the map screen to see them. Hover your mouse over the layer name to view the pre-set visibility scale.

How can I find out more about a data layer?

View information about data layers in the metadata record. This describes details about the custodian, how and when the data was compiled, and usually includes a data dictionary describing the data attributes.

Right mouse click on a data layer and select metadata to view the record.

Why can't I select features on the map screen?

The Active Layer is used to select features on the map screen. When NR Maps opens, cadastre is the default active layer (located under folder Land Administration). Only one layer can be active.

Change the Active Layer to select features on the map screen from a different data layer. Right mouse click on a layer and select 'Set Active'. If a layer has search functions, they will be enabled when the layer is active.

Recommended reading: User guide – How to use the selection tools PDF (337.1 KB).

How can I save my NR Maps session?

Use the blue personal bookmark tool to save your NR Maps session and keep the zoomed extent, displayed layers, active layer and even redline drawing mark-ups. The tool is located halfway along the list of tools at the top of the screen – it looks like a blue book! Hint - hover the mouse over each tool to view a short description. You can create and save personal bookmarks on your own computer or share bookmarks with colleagues.

The yellow bookmark tool contains a list of published bookmarks created by administrators. Click on the yellow bookmark tool, hover your mouse over the category lists, then click on a selection. Each bookmark has a different set of layers displayed on the map screen.

Why can't I export data from NR Maps?

Zoom in to a scale < 1:600,000 to activate the data export tool.

Only data layers for the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security (DEPWS) may be exported. Hover the mouse over the layer folder name to view the custodian name or check details in the metadata record.

Does Google Earth satellite display the latest images available?

NR Maps is not able to display an image date for the base maps layer Google Satellite. Google Earth displays a mosaic of the best available images typically between one to three years old. Google Earth will not display images with cloud cover.

Image dates are displayed using Google Earth Pro software (free). A time-slider tool can verify latest imagery available and also display historical images. Google Earth also has a web based platform that requires Chrome internet browser.

Why are the pre-set scales such odd numbers?

Previous versions of NR Maps had a simpler set of pre-set scales, e.g. 100k, 500k.

When Google Maps and Google Satellite were added as base map layers in NR Maps, the pre-set cached scales for these systems replaced the existing scales.

One click on the map screen represents a 50% zoom in or out.

What Coordinate Reference System is used to measure area?

If you supply a third party with a measured polygon area, you should note what Coordinate Reference System (CRS) was used for the area calculation. Please be aware that different Coordinate Reference Systems will generate slightly varying results.

The NR Maps Measure  Tools uses the Coordinate Reference System EPSG 3857. For details read  This is Datum WGS84 with a spherical Mercator projection and units in metres. This Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is also used for Google Maps and Open Street Maps web mapping tools. NR Maps uses this CRS to match these background image layers.

How can I get some help using NR Maps?

Review the web links located on the top right of the map screen.

Click on the Help to view NR Maps user guides.

Click on the Feedback to send an email to the Geospatial Services group.

Click on the Geospatial Resources to find information available from the department or to submit a data request.

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