This pages lists publications, reports and journals from the Flora and Fauna Division in 2005.

For enquiries about any of the publications or journals listed below send an email to biodiversity.denr@nt.gov.au.

Publications and reports

Cowie, I.D. (2005). Kakadu Threatened Flora Report (Vol. 3) Results of a survey of threatened flora. Unpublished report to Parks Australia North.

Crase, B., Cowie, I.D. and Michell, C.R. (2005) Status or the rare plants Melaleuca triumphalis and Stenostegia congesta (Myrtaceae) in the Victoria River Gorge area of Gregory National Park. Technical Report Number: 11/2005D, ISBN: 0724548750

Duguid, A., Barnetson, J., Clifford, B., Pavey, C., Albrecht, D., Risler, J. and McNellie, M. (2005). Wetlands in the arid Northern Territory. A report to the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage on the inventory and significance of wetlands in the arid NT. Northern Territory Government Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts. Alice Springs.

Pavey, C. R. (2005). Ghosts of diversity past: threatened species conservation in the arid and semi-arid Northern Territory. Wildlife Australia Spring 2005 42 (3): 30-33.

Palmer, C., Taylor, R. and Burbidge, A. (2005). Recovery Plan for the Golden Bandicoot Isoodon auratus and Golden-backed Tree-rat Mesembriomys macrurus 2005-2010. Environment Australia.

Rankmore, B. (2005). Introduced Animals on Northern Territory Islands: improving Australia’s ability to protect its island habitats from feral animals. Biodiversity Conservation Unit, Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts. Northern Territory, Australia. Report prepared for Department of Environment and Heritage.

Short, P.S., Cowie, I. & Albrecht, D. (2005). Exploring the Tanami Desert. Plant Talk 39: 17–21.

Woinarski, J.C.Z. (2005). A difficult and destructive metamorphosis: conservation and land management in the Northern Territory in the 1950s. In Modern Frontier: Aspects of the 1950s in Australia’s Northern Territory. (eds. J.T. Wells, M. Dewar and S. Parry). pp. 33-55. (Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin.)


Andersen, A.N., Cook, G.D., Corbett, L.K., Douglas, M.M., Eager, R.W., Russell-Smith, J., Setterfield, S.A., Williams, R.J., and Woinarski, J.C.Z. (2005). Fire frequency and biodiversity conservation in Australian tropical savannas: implications from the Kapalga fire experiment. Austral Ecology 30, 155-167.

Burwell, C. J., Geiser, F., Barritt, M., May, K. and Pavey, C. R. (2005) Additional records of prey of the fat-tailed false antechinus Pseudantechinus macdonnellensis from central Australia. Australian Mammalogy 27, 227-229.

Firth, R.S.C., Jefferys, E., Woinarski, J.C.Z., and Noske, R.A. (2005). The diet of the brush-tailed rabbit-ratConilurus penicillatus from the monsoonal tropics of the Northern Territory, Australia. Wildlife Research 32, 517-524.

Clarke, P.J, Latz, P.K. & Albrecht, D.E. (2005) Long-term changes in semi-arid vegetation: Invasion of an exotic perennial grass has larger effects than rainfall variability. Journal of Vegetation Science 16: 237-248.

Letnic, M. and Dickman, C.R. (2005). The responses of small mammals to patches regenerating after fire and rainfall in the Simpson Desert, central Australia. Austral Ecology 30, 24-39.

McKay, J.L. and Crase, B. (2005) A mating aggregation of keelback, Tropidonophis mairii. Herpetofauna 35(1).

Milne, D.J., Fisher, A., Rainey, I. and Pavey, C.R. (2005). Temporal patterns of bats in the Top End of the Northern Territory, Australia. Journal of Mammalogy 86, 909-920.

Milne, D.J., Armstrong, M., Fisher, A., Flores, T. and Pavey, C.R. (2005). Structure and environmental relationships of insectivorous bat assemblages in tropical Australian savannas. Austral Ecology 30, 906-919.

Pavey, C. R. and Burwell, C. J. (2005). Cohabitation and predation by insectivorous bats on eared moths in subterranean roosts. Journal of Zoology, London 265, 141-146.

Price, O., Rankmore, B., Milne, D., Brock, C., Tynan, C., Kean, L. and Roeger, L., (2005). Regional patterns of mammal abundance and their relationship to landscape variables in eucalypt woodlands near Darwin, northern Australia. Wildlife Research, 32, 435-446.

Price, O.F., Edwards, A., Connors, G., Woinarski, J.C.Z., Ryan, G., Turner, A., and Russell-Smith, J. (2005). Fire heterogeneity, Kakadu National Park, 1980-2000. Wildlife Research 32, 425-433.

Rankmore, B. (2005) Quolls get the jump on cane toads. Australian Geographic, 80, pp26.

Whitehead, P.J., Russell-Smith, J., and Woinarski, J.C.Z. (2005). Fire, landscape heterogeneity and wildlife management in Australia’s tropical savannas: introduction and overview. Wildlife Research 32, 369-375.

Williams, R.J., Carter, J., Duff, G.A., Woinarski, J.C.Z., Cook, G.D., and Farrer, S.L. (2005). Carbon accounting, land management, science and policy uncertainty in Australian savanna landscapes: introduction and overview.Australian Journal of Botany 53, 583-588.

Woinarski, J. (2005). Living with fire – birds in northern Australia. Wingspan 15 (Supplement), no. 3, 7-9.

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